Damon K. Jones

Damon is a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, Holistic Health Practitioner, First Aid in Mental Health Practioner, Diet and Nutrition Advisor, and Vegan, Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach.

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Make Exercise a Daily Habbit

How to Make Daily Exercise a Habit

Everyone can benefit from daily exercise. Any new habit may have challenging beginnings, but in time, nearly anything can become habitual. In this case, we’re talking about a habit that has incredible benefits, so let’s see what you can do to get exercising every day!

Exercising daily is a great addition to include your life. It can be challenging to get into the habit but relatively easy to stick with it after the initial period has passed. Get out there with a friend and have some fun every day! You’ll be healthier, feel better, and look better. Good luck!

The number one reason people claim they don’t exercise regularly is a lack of time. You make time for various other things daily: eating meals, taking a shower, driving to and from work, television, and more. So make an appointment with yourself to get the exercise your body needs to be as healthy as it can possibly be.

Get a Workout Partner

The number two reason people don’t exercise is boredom or loneliness. Get out there with a good friend or your significant other. It’s a good time to spend with others and can make things much more enjoyable.

  • A workout partner will also make you feel a greater responsibility; no one likes to let other people down. It’s a little easier to think, “I’ll do it tomorrow,” when we know there isn’t someone depending on us.

Change it up

Come up with a variety of activities. There’s no reason you can’t swim one day, walk the next, and play some basketball the day after that. So think about everything the world has to offer and keep yourself entertained. Joining a local gyme could take care of your exercise needs.

Take it Easy

Come up with a variety of activities. There’s no reason you can’t swim one day, walk the next, and play some basketball the day after that. So think about everything the world has to offer and keep yourself entertained. Joining a local gym could take care of your exercise needs.

Track your progress

It’s a lot easier to stay interested and motivated when you can see some real progress. Fortunately, progress comes quickly at the beginning of any exercise program. So devise a test of your fitness that you can do occasionally. It can be simple, like how many pushups you can do, or how long it takes you to walk a mile.